Jackie Azúa Kramer
Manolo and the Unicorn

Neha Bajaj
Noah’s Intense Day

Kevin Baker
The New York Game

Danielle Bertoli
Struck Inside Out

Valerie Bolling
I See Color

Cynthia Carr
Candy Darling

Lauren Chaitoff
108 Awesome Yoga Poses for Kids

Sarah Beth Durst
The Spellshop

Sam Garonzik
A Rough Way to Go

Bonnie Grubman
Walter and Willy and the False Note

Carla Hayden
Librarian of Congress

T. R. Hendricks
The Infiltrator

Kris Janvier

Jonah Kramer
Manolo & the Unicorn

Erik Larson
The Demon of Unrest

Caroline Leavitt
Days of Wonder

Anita McBride
Remember the First Ladies

Brody Mullins
The Wolves of K Street

Edward O’Keefe
The Loves of Theodore Roosevelt

Patricia Park
What’s Eating Jackie Oh

Shelby Renjifo
A Wasp at a Funeral

Lauren E. Rico

Ali Rosen
Alternate Endings

Larry Samuel
Making Long Island

Alex Segura
Secret Identity

Laurie Smollett Kutscera
Misadventures of a Magician’s Son & Maya’s Treasure

Christopher Verga
The Ferguson Brothers Lynchings on Long Island

Darlene Williams
The Higher Level Method

Rochelle Alers
Take the Long Way Home

Shikha Bajaj
Own Your Color

Claire Bellerjeau
Remember Liss

Bill Bleyer
The Sinking of the Steamboat Lexington on Long Island Sound

Douglas Brinkley
Silent Spring Revolution

Nat Cassidy
The Nestlings

Paula Curci, Nassau County Poet Laureate
Poetry: It’s a ‘Shore’ Thing In an Unsure World!

Brooke Lea Foster
All the Summers in Between

Sarah Goodman
Suffolk County Teen Poet Laureate

Pamela Hamilton
Lady Be Good: The Life and Times of Dorothy Hale

Deborah Hauser, Suffolk Country Poet Laureate

Carinn Jade
The Astrology House

Zainab Khan
Noura’s Crescent Moon

Cassandra Khaw
The Dead Take the A Train

Victor Lavalle
Lone Women

Qiana M. Marks

Alice McDermott

Jeannie Moon
The Temporary Wife

Richard Panchyk
Power to the People!

Caridad Piñeiro
Escape the Everglades

Christina M. Rau
How We Make Amends

Melissa Rivero
Flores and Miss Paula

Blue Saffire
Love Notes

Jane Sanders
Making Books with Kids & How to Make Books

Esther K. Smith
Making Books with Kids & How to Make Books

Mark Torres
Long Island Migrant Labor Camps

George Wallace
Resurrection Song

Robert Zeller
The New Surrealism